About Us

Welcome to Triple Tread®.

Triple Tread® is designed to offer a different option of upright tricycle to the standard on the market today.  Style and function are driving the development of the trike so that it can appeal to all age groups.  It offers independent suspension for its two front axles to maintain stability on uneven ground.  Our PATENTED Tiltrahedron TM steering mechanism gives an intuitive, natural ride similar to the feeling of riding a standard bicycle.  Standard delta trikes can be prone to tipping when cornering due to a fixed wheelbase.  Triple Tread® can corner at ease with stability.

Having the freedom to ride outdoors independently with family and friends can enrich our lives.   Social inclusion is important to us so Triple Tread® can allow the rider to be seated at the same height as others on cycles.  It is designed for the user experience, for all to ride as it is so unique and cool in design.  Instead of having to slow down to navigate corners in case of tipping, the Triple Tread® allows you to keep up with others on cycles so nobody is having to wait for you to catch up!  You can have a sense of pride in your cool Triple Tread® trike.

Enjoy independence, fun outdoors and freedom when riding Triple Tread®.

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Triple Tread

Enjoy independence, fun outdoors and freedom when riding Triple Tread®

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